Built for Organizers

We have the resources you need to plan and execute winning campus campaigns. Some of our most important resources are listed below. Become a Campus Climate Network member for access to our full resource bank! 

Starting a Campaign

You’re ready to start a campaign to push Big Oil off your campus. But where to start?
These resources are designed to help new and developing campaigns.


We tend to get excited about a particular tactic or copy once we’ve seen somewhere else. But our tactics will change based on our goal. The GOTTA template can help you figure out what tactic is best for your campaign and will guide you through designing actions.

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Uncovering Fossil Fuel Ties on Campus

The first step towards cutting Big Oil ties on campus is finding them. These resources are geared towards new Fossil Free Research campaigns who seek to uncover fossil fuel industry funding on their campus.

Want to start a campaign on your campus?